Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

The Vinyasa style is one style of yoga that uses breath in sync with movement, creating a FLOW. It’s another way to deepen your practice and nourish your whole self.

Mind, body, and spirit connected, what does that really mean anyway? When you inhale deeply, you not only inhale oxygen which heals and nourishes you physically from within, you calm your heart rate, which begins to regulate hormone function, effecting mood. You inhale peace. Mind, body, and spirit are working in sync. When you exhale slowly, you not only rid yourself from carbon dioxide and other toxins, but you are releasing tension and stress, and calming down. As you continue to focus on your breath, and it’s rhythm in sync with your movement, that mindfulness gives your mind a chance to focus on this basic healing function, and a chance to rest. It is a break from the 1 million thoughts that go through your head in a day and can sometimes wear you down, especially those inner critic thoughts that tell you what you should be, and what you should be doing, instead of being present and appreciating what and where you are at that moment. Yes, you are on your mat to take care of your physical body, but you are more than just your body. Yoga nourishes all of you. You deserve that moment to appreciate your breath, your body, your strength, and your soul.

Written by Dani Banks

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